Entries by Jitka

I want to discover Czechia

Are you a foreigner living in the Czech Republic? Discover Czechia and attractive places, interesting people, and Czech characters. It´s summer – a great time for trips. I offer you a couple of tips on where to travel through Czechia.

I want to learn Czech on the Internet

You have been learning Czech and would like to use the Internet as well. But there is a lot of information, programmes, applications… What to choose? What can be helpful? Don´t worry to learn Czech online. Here are a few tips.

Is Czechia a good place to live?

We were talking about „a typical Czech“ and his behavior last time. You, foreigners living in the Czech Republic, assessed Czechs. Now it´s time to have a look at who you are: how many foreigners live here, where you are from, where you live, why you decided to stay here and maybe we find out […]

Do you like cooking? Learn Czech in the kitchen.

Would you like to make your Czech lessons more pleasant? Come to cook with us. It´s fun, you can eat good food and you can practise what you have learnt. You may read an article Accusative in the kitchen. Today I offer a new recipe: let´s cook vajíčková pomazánka (an egg spread) and train partitive […]

Let me in! I want to know you!

Do you think Czechs are closed and dismissive? Would you like to be in contact with them but they are indifferent? Don´t be afraid to make the first step – address Czechs by yourself! Let´s learn a few phrases which help you in getting acquainted with Czechs.

Speak to me! I endeavour!

Are you a foreigner living in the Czech Republic? Then you probably found yourself in a situation where you wanted to speak English to Czechs but they didn´t understand you. And when they didn´t speak English, they rather didn´t speak to you at all. But it isn´t a reason to give up any communication. On […]

Czech lessons: my students and me in 2016

Czech lessons in 2016 – the best of Czech lessons for foreigners in numbers I was teaching 80 students. 80 students = 31 nationalities = 32 countries = 4 continents Armenia, Austria, Bolivia, Brazil, Cameroon, Canada, Denmark, Egypt, Finland, Georgia, Great Britain, India, Iran, Italy, Kazakhstan, Kirghizstan, Latvia, Morocco, Moldavia, Germany, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Russia, […]