Czech lessons

Czech lessons in 2016 – the best of

Czech lessons for foreigners in numbers

I was teaching 80 students.

80 students = 31 nationalities = 32 countries = 4 continents

Armenia, Austria, Bolivia, Brazil, Cameroon, Canada, Denmark, Egypt, Finland, Georgia, Great Britain,


India, Iran, Italy, Kazakhstan, Kirghizstan, Latvia, Morocco, Moldavia, Germany, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Russia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Tajikistan, Turkey, Ukraine, USA, Uzbekistan

Happy New Year

My students and I wish you a Happy New Year 2017.

Listen to our wish in 20 languages.

Who are my students in Czech lessons

Moji studenti jsou opravdu zdaleka. Studentka z Burjatské republiky teď studuje v Praze.

33 students were from companies, usually international ones. Next 47 there are secondary school or university students.

I was preparing 13 students for Czech school entrance exams. 2 students (66 %) passed the secondary school exam, 8
(80 %) the university exam.

Read also an article Cizinec na české vysoké škole.

Several special Czech lessons took place

Cooking and practising accusative

Cooking and practising accusative

Best moments from lessons

  • pánka = female word created from pán = Mr (correct: paní = Mrs)
  • On nebude dnes na lekce protoze on je nemozny. = He won´t be at the lesson today because he is an outsider. (correct: nemocný = ill)
  • Jsi skřivánek, nebo sova? – Jsem savo. (untranslatable  :))
  • [dža džem …] = já jsem (correct: [ya: sem])

I thank all my students for an amazing year.

Happy New Year 2017!

21. 12. 2016

Czech version of this article.




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