Prepositions and accent in Czech

Bydlím v Česku, ne na Slovensku: Prepositions and stress in Czech

Do you struggle with Czech pronunciation? Here is my offer: another practising. Today´s topic: stress and prepositions. Prepositions and stress in Czech What is stress and where it is in Czech Stress = we pronounce the first right…
How to learn accusative in Czech

Object, object, object – it is an accusative

Do you struggle with accusative? Do you know its endings but you don´t know how to use them? Has your teacher still corrected you? I can hear my students use accusative incorrectly, even B1 or B2 students. Let´s have a look at how accusative…
Who was Tomáš Baťa

Baťa – the first Czech selfmademan

We have been wearing Baťa shoes for more than 120 years. On the 21st of September 1894, three siblings founded a small shoe company Baťa. But soon, it became a large shoe empire. Baťa shoes – that´s brand and Baťa was the first Czech…
What "burning witches" means in Czech

Burning witches

Burning witches is a tradition celebrated at night from the 30th of April to the 1st of May. We call this night „Filipojakubská night“ as well. What do the Czechs do? And who is a witch? Burning witches History People have been…
Praha - Prčice march asi a tip for your May weekend

Praha – Prčice march

Do you like going on trips? Do you know a march from Prague to Prčice? It´s a famous march known by all Czechs. But where is Prčice? And when can you set out there? What is Praha - Prčice march? History In 1966 two enthusiastic…
How Czechs celebrate Easter

Czech Easter and traditions

Easter is the spring holiday and the most important Christian holiday. People prepare for Easter for 40 days – they fast. And there are some Czech Easter folk customs people do in the period before and during Easter. Here are the most popular. When…
Czechoslovakia and the communist revolution 1948

Communist revolution in Czechoslovakia

On the 25th of February, it was a day that some people have still been remembering. The communist revolution passed off. From that day Czechoslovakia became a communist country and nothing changed for the next 41 years. Communist revolution How…
Czech traditions and customs during Christmas time

Czech Christmas and traditions

Merry Czech Christmas! Are you going to celebrate with us? We´ll appreciate it. And here you can find out how we celebrate Christmas, what Czech traditions are like, what we do during Christmas… Will you try any of the Czech customs? Or will…
Tips for Czech pronunciation of R

Czech pronunciation: Mirka has a pink t-shirt

Czech pronunciation: r Is Czech pronunciation a problem for you? I offer you another short training. Today´s topic: consonant r. R Your lips are a bit open. Your tongue is free and the tip of the tongue goes up. When we breathe out, the…
Czech pronunciation of ř

Czech pronunciation: Friends cooked a beetroot

Czech pronunciation: ř Is Czech pronunciation a problem for you? I offer you another short training. Today´s topic: consonant ř. Ř Ř is a typical Czech consonant and sound. You can´t find it in any other language. Its pronunciation…
Tips for effective online learning

Who is scared of online learning?

Would you like to start, like many other students, by studying Czech or continue from September? You may not be sure whether schools will be open or your course won´t finish earlier due to the possibility of the second coronavirus wave. You…
How to discover Czechia through trips

I want to discover Czechia 4

Tips for trips in Czechia Are you a foreigner living in the Czech Republic? Discover Czechia and attractive places, interesting people and Czech characters. It´s summer – a great time for trips. I offer you a couple of tips on where to…