The First Czechoslovak Republic and the first president T. G. Masaryk

The First Republic and „Daddy“ Masaryk

Czechs often say „the First Republic“ when they speak about their history. Do you know what it means? Do you know when the era of the First Republic was? It was one of the best Czech (and Slovak) periods. But only for 20 years… The First…
How to discover Czechia

I want to discover Czechia

Are you a foreigner living in the Czech Republic? Discover Czechia and attractive places, interesting people, and Czech characters. It´s summer – a great time for trips. I offer you a couple of tips on where to travel through Czechia. 4…
How to learn Czech online

I want to learn Czech on the Internet

You have been learning Czech and would like to use the Internet as well. But there is a lot of information, programmes, applications… What to choose? What can be helpful? Don´t worry to learn Czech online. Here are a few tips. 6 tips on…
Read a Czech book as a great activity for students of Czech

I want to read a Czech book. But which one? (1st part)

Read a Czech book is a great activity for training Czech, widening vocabulary, and better understanding. But what to read? Do you feel lost in book shops, e-shops, and libraries? Here is help: an overview of books suitable for students of Czech. Adapted…
How to discover Czechia

Is Czechia a good place to live?

We were talking about „a typical Czech“ and his behavior last time. You, foreigners living in the Czech Republic, assessed Czechs. Now it´s time to have a look at who you are: how many foreigners live here, where you are from, where you…
Let´s get to know typical Czech behavior and customs

7 tips how to get to know a Czech character

Are you a foreigner living in the Czech Republic and would you like to become accustomed here quickly? Let´s get to know typical Czech behavior and customs. It helps you to find the appropriate approach to Czechs and to avoid misunderstanding. Typical…
Learning Czech and cooking

Do you like cooking? Learn Czech in the kitchen.

Would you like to make your Czech lessons more pleasant? Come to cook with us. It´s fun, you can eat good food and you can practise what you have learnt. You may read an article Accusative in the kitchen. Today I offer a new recipe: let´s…
Let´s get to know typical Czech behavior and customs

Let me in! I want to know you!

Do you think Czechs are closed and dismissive? Would you like to be in contact with them but they are indifferent? Don´t be afraid to make the first step – address Czechs by yourself! Let´s learn a few phrases which help you in getting acquainted…
How to communicate with Czech people

Speak to me! I endeavour!

Are you a foreigner living in the Czech Republic? Then you probably found yourself in a situation where you wanted to speak English to Czechs but they didn´t understand you. And when they didn´t speak English, they rather didn´t speak to…
Czech lessons

Czech lessons: my students and me in 2016

Czech lessons in 2016 - the best of Czech lessons for foreigners in numbers I was teaching 80 students. 80 students = 31 nationalities = 32 countries = 4 continents Armenia, Austria, Bolivia, Brazil, Cameroon, Canada, Denmark, Egypt,…