Entries by Jitka

21st August 1968 – Sad Czechoslovak Anniversary

21st August 1968 at night: people in Czechoslovakia were sleeping quietly. But they were woken up with a huge noise – airplanes, tanks. The Soviet army entered Czechoslovakia and then stayed here for 22 years. Why? Nobody invited them… Czechoslovakia was a part of a communist bloc but wanted to make its own policy. And […]

I want to discover Czechia 2

Tips for trips in Czechia Are you a foreigner living in the Czech Republic? Discover Czechia and attractive places, interesting people, and Czech characters. It´s summer – a great time for trips. I offer you a couple of tips on where to travel through Czechia.

Summer Alphabet in e-book

I have a small present for you – an e-book the Summer Alphabet. Use summertime, vacation, and days off. Start today and learn one „summer“ word a day. You will know 54 new words at the end of August!

I want to learn Czech on the Internet 2

You have been learning Czech and would like to use the Internet as well. But there are a lot of programmes, applications… What to choose? What can be helpful? You probably have read a few tips in the first article. Here are the second part and other possibilities for how to study Czech on the […]

5 tips how to make your Czech learning enjoyable

You learn Czech and want to know the Czech language well and quickly. But sometimes your motivation falls down. The study seems to be difficult, you are tired, frustrated because your progress goes slowly, you can´t remember anything… You need a restart and here is a little help for you.

Byt není být or A Length Mark Works Wonders

Czech pronunciation: Length and stress Is Czech pronunciation a problem for you? I offer you a short training. Today´s topic: vowels – the length and the stress in Czech. Czech letters 1.       vowels = a, e, i, y, o, u 2.       consonants = all that is not a vowel = b, d, s, m, ž… […]

Tomorrow I will finally start learning Czech!

Czechs often make their New Year´s resolution – a promise they will do what they need, have to, want but they hadn´t had enough time, had been lazy… The resolution often concerns their study of languages: I am going to start learning, to learn more… And what about you? Would you like to learn Czech […]

Christmas Alphabet in e-book

I have a small present for you – an e-book the Christmas Alphabet. Use the Advent time and Christmas days off. Start today and learn two „Christmas“ words a day. You will know 27 new words at the end of the year!

It was before the Velvet Revolution…

The Velvet Revolution was a very important event in modern Czech history. Czechs often divide the new era into parts before and after the revolution. The Velvet Revolution was lasting several days and became a symbol of the end of the communist regime. Do you know when it was and why we call it „Velvet“? […]