Entries by Jitka

I want to discover Czechia 2

Tips for trips in Czechia Are you a foreigner living in the Czech Republic? Discover Czechia and attractive places, interesting people, and Czech characters. It´s summer – a great time for trips. I offer you a couple of tips on where to travel through Czechia.

I want to learn Czech on the Internet 2

You have been learning Czech and would like to use the Internet as well. But there are a lot of programmes, applications… What to choose? What can be helpful? You probably have read a few tips in the first article. Here are the second part and other possibilities for how to study Czech on the […]

Byt není být or A Length Mark Works Wonders

Czech pronunciation: Length and stress Is Czech pronunciation a problem for you? I offer you a short training. Today´s topic: vowels – the length and the stress in Czech. Czech letters 1.       vowels = a, e, i, y, o, u 2.       consonants = all that is not a vowel = b, d, s, m, ž… […]

Tomorrow I will finally start learning Czech!

Czechs often make their New Year´s resolution – a promise they will do what they need, have to, want but they hadn´t had enough time, had been lazy… The resolution often concerns their study of languages: I am going to start learning, to learn more… And what about you? Would you like to learn Czech […]

It was before the Velvet Revolution…

The Velvet Revolution was a very important event in modern Czech history. Czechs often divide the new era into parts before and after the revolution. The Velvet Revolution was lasting several days and became a symbol of the end of the communist regime. Do you know when it was and why we call it „Velvet“? […]