Learning Czech and cooking

Would you like to make your Czech lessons more pleasant? Come to cook with us. It´s fun, you can eat good food and you can practise what you have learnt. You may read an article Accusative in the kitchen. Today I offer a new recipe: let´s cook vajíčková pomazánka (an egg spread) and train partitive genitive.

Czechs love vajíčková pomazánka (egg spread)

We need partitive genitive to express quantity, e.g. kilo mouky (a kilo of flour), 200 gramů másla (200 grams of butter), kousek koláče (a piece of cake), láhev vody (a bottle of water), sklenice vína (a glass of wine)… Now we would like to practise this grammar and that´s why we are going to cook vajíčková pomazánka (egg spread). Czechs love spreads and this one is one of the most typical. You need these ingredients:

3 vajíčka (eggs), 200 gramů krémového sýra (cream cheese), 2 lžičky majonézy (2 teaspoons of mayonnaise), 2 lžičky hořčice (2 teaspoons of mustard), 1 stroužek česneku (1 glove of garlic), sůl (salt) a 1 papriku (red pepper – you can add other vegetables: cucumbers, tomatoes…).

Easy recipe: vajíčková pomazánka


Do you know all verbs?

Repeat all recipe

Gwendolin, Ewelina a Sadi tell you the recipe once again – video.

And now you can start to cook. Write to me about whether you were successful. Have you made the spread the same way we have? Or have you changed something? Good appetite.

Did you like it? Learn Czech more in the kitchen!

Let´s cook pudink (jelly) with us.

Nákupní lístek

Take an IKEA catalogue and in the section Kitchen revise the names of products in the kitchen and names of activities you can do with them (e.g. a talíř – jíst: a plate – to eat, hrnek – pít: a cup – to drink, nůž – krájet: a knife – to cut…)

Write your shopping list in Czech.

Find other recipes in Czech and cook new meals. Here are a few super easy in an e-book Learn Czech in the kitchen.

Read also:

7. 2. 2017



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