Leisure time in Czech or practise Czech with handouts A1-B2

What do you do in your leisure time? or Leisure time in Czech

Someone does sports in his/her leisure time, someone goes for trips, someone visits galleries, someone rides a bicycle… And what about you? Can you talk about your hobby in Czech? Learn it with new handouts. The topic for the A1 level: Hiking, and the topic for the A2 level: Bicycles. New words, listening, reading, grammar and writing, online materials… just “leisure time in Czech”. Start right now!

Leisure time in Czech

It is good to be able to talk about your hobby. What your activity is, with whom you do it, what you need for this, why you like it… I would like to help you so I prepared new working sheets/handouts for you. They have one common topic: Leisure time. There is (and will be) one handout for each level. In exercises you practice listening, reading, grammar, speaking, and writing. You can also find links to other online materials – tasks and adding Internet activities (Quizlet sets, videos, audio tracks). The Key is a part of each handout.

Handouts are suitable for students who want to learn Czech by themselves and for teacher´s lessons as well.

You can practice A1, A2, B1, and B2 levels


A1: Volný čas – Turistika (Leisure time in Czech– Hiking) 

Communicative situation: We organize a trip, we go for a trip, we search for our journey
Vocabulary: Trip, traveling, hiking, orientation, colors
Grammar: Conjugation of verbs, accusative, genitive

Number of pages: 8

Format: pdf, A4

Look at an extract (left-down menu).


A2: Volný čas – Kolo (Leisure time in Czech – Bicycle) 

Communicative situation: We choose a trail, we plan a trip, we ask sb´s advice, we make an appointment
Vocabulary: Bicycle, service (repair shop), biking, how to be safe on the road, clothes for cycling
Grammar: Conditional, adjective comparison, imperfective and perfective verbs

Number of pages: 8

Format: pdf, A4

Look at an extract (left-down menu).

B1 (Running) and B2 (Fitness) levels are also available.

Watch the video:


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Chci mluvit a rozumět v českém obchodě (I want to speak and understand in the Czech shops): handouts In the shop – we go shopping: A1 level (shopping generally), A2 (clothes), B1 (electronics) and B2 (services). 


Učte se česky v kuchyni (Learn Czech in the kitchen) – an ebook – a cookbook for students and teachers. You can find four recipes there, a lot of activities for Czech training, key, methodical notes for teachers, and a dictionary. I have tried all activities with my students. You just need ingredients, 90 minutes, and an A1 level. Look at an extract (left-down menu).


I wish you good training with my handouts. Let me know please if they are useful to you.

This text in the Czech version

You can read, too:

I want to discover Czechia 1, 2, 3, 4

17th September 2019


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