Prepositions and accent in Czech

Bydlím v Česku, ne na Slovensku: Prepositions and stress in Czech

Do you struggle with Czech pronunciation? Here is my offer: another practising. Today´s topic: stress and prepositions. Prepositions and stress in Czech What is stress and where it is in Czech Stress = we pronounce the first right…
How to learn accusative in Czech

Object, object, object – it is an accusative

Do you struggle with accusative? Do you know its endings but you don´t know how to use them? Has your teacher still corrected you? I can hear my students use accusative incorrectly, even B1 or B2 students. Let´s have a look at how accusative…
How Czechs celebrate Easter

Czech Easter and traditions

Easter is the spring holiday and the most important Christian holiday. People prepare for Easter for 40 days – they fast. And there are some Czech Easter folk customs people do in the period before and during Easter. Here are the most popular. When…
Tips for Czech pronunciation of R

Czech pronunciation: Mirka has a pink t-shirt

Czech pronunciation: r Is Czech pronunciation a problem for you? I offer you another short training. Today´s topic: consonant r. R Your lips are a bit open. Your tongue is free and the tip of the tongue goes up. When we breathe out, the…
Czech pronunciation of ř

Czech pronunciation: Friends cooked a beetroot

Czech pronunciation: ř Is Czech pronunciation a problem for you? I offer you another short training. Today´s topic: consonant ř. Ř Ř is a typical Czech consonant and sound. You can´t find it in any other language. Its pronunciation…
Tips for effective online learning

Who is scared of online learning?

Would you like to start, like many other students, by studying Czech or continue from September? You may not be sure whether schools will be open or your course won´t finish earlier due to the possibility of the second coronavirus wave. You…
To read a Czech book as a great activity for students of Czech

I want to read a Czech book. But which one? (3rd part)

  Do you want to read a Czech book? It is a great activity for training Czech, broadening vocabulary, and giving a better understanding. But what to read? Do you feel lost in bookshops, e-shops, and libraries? Here is help: an overview…
Various types of Czech congratulations

Congratulations in Czech

Your Czech friend or colleague celebrates his birthday. What do you say to him? Your friend gave birth to a child. What do you say to her? Your colleague got married. What do you say to her? Your brother got a great job. What do you say to him?…
Leisure time in Czech or practise Czech with handouts A1-B2

What do you do in your leisure time? or Leisure time in Czech

Someone does sports in his/her leisure time, someone goes for trips, someone visits galleries, someone rides a bicycle… And what about you? Can you talk about your hobby in Czech? Learn it with new handouts. The topic for the A1 level: Hiking,…
How to speak in a Czech shop without problems

Favourite Czech textbooks

Have you been learning Czech? Are you not sure what textbook you should use? Here is an overview of the basic ones we have in the Czech market. Choose according to your level and start studying. Favourite Czech textbooks The following…
Jak dosáhnout progresu v češtině

Progress in Czech or excuses? I tell you straight…

Do you know the Czech saying „řeknu to na rovinu“? It means I tell you straight. And now I tell you straight what you need to do to be successful in your study and how to reach progress in Czech. Because you don´t want to listen to general…
How to speak in a Czech shop without problems

I want to understand and speak in a Czech shop

  Do you often go shopping in Czech (online) shops? Would you like to speak in a Czech shop without problems? Try new handouts for A1-B2 levels. New words, listening, reading, grammar, and writing. Understanding and speaking…