How to speak in a Czech shop without problems

I want to understand and speak in a Czech shop


Do you often go shopping in Czech (online) shops? Would you like to speak in a Czech shop without problems? Try new handouts for A1-B2 levels. New words, listening, reading, grammar, and writing.

Understanding and speaking in a Czech shop

1 topic – 4 handouts

Here are new online materials for students and teachers of Czech. Their common topic is: In the shop – we go shopping and there is one handout for each level. In exercises you practice listening, reading, grammar, speaking, and writing. You can also find links to other online materials – tasks and adding Internet activities (Quizlet sets, videos, audio tracks). The Key is a part of each handout.

Handouts are suitable for students who want to learn Czech by themselves and for teacher´s lessons as well.

A1: Nakupujeme

Communicative situation: V obchodě, dialog prodavač – zákazník
Vocabulary: Zboží v obchodě, typy obchodů, aktivity v obchodě, čísla
Grammar: Prézens, futurum, préteritum, akuzativ, lokál, genitiv, plurál

Look at an extract (left-down menu).

A2: Nakupujeme oblečení

Communicative situation: V obchodě, dialog prodavač – zákazník.
Vocabulary: Oblečení, barvy, aktivity v obchodě, nákupy na internetu.
Grammar: Kondicionál, komparace adjektiv.

Look at an extract (left-down menu).

B1: Nakupujeme elektroniku

Communicative situation: Formální a neformální komunikace.
Vocabulary: Elektronika, aktivity s elektronikou, nákupy na internetu.
Grammar: Spojky, prefixy sloves, imperativ.

Look at an extract (left-down menu).

B2: Nakupujeme služby

Communicative situation: Objednání služeb, žádost o radu, telefonická a písemná formální komunikace.
Vocabulary: Finance a bankovnictví, internetové služby, stěhování.
Grammar: Konjugace nepravidelných sloves, slovní druhy, číslovky, slovesné prefixy, deklinace.

Look at an extract (left-down menu).

Each handout: 8 pages

Format: pdf, A4





All in one

You can also choose a favorable packet that contains all four handouts together.

Look at an extract (left-down menu).




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Učte se česky v kuchyni (Learn Czech in the kitchen) – a new ebook – a cookbook for students and teachers. You can find four recipes there, a lot of activities for Czech training, key, methodical notes for teachers, and a CZ-EN dictionary. I have tried all activities with my students. You just need ingredients, 90 minutes, and an A1 level. Look at an extract (left-down menu) or my video introduction.

I wish you good training with my handouts. And when you visit a shop and try some of the situations please let me know how it goes.

This text is in the Czech version.

14th of April 2019


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