I want to read a Czech book. But which one? (3rd part)
Do you want to read a Czech book? It is a great activity for training Czech, broadening vocabulary, and giving a better understanding. But what to read? Do you feel lost in bookshops, e-shops, and libraries? Here is help: an overview of books suitable for students of Czech.
I want to read a Czech book
In the first article, we were talking about adapted stories: books that exist in original but another author simplified them for students of Czech. It is a perfect way how to start reading in Czech. You can also find a vocabulary (English, German, and Russian) and CD in the books. A great combination of practicing reading and listening.
In the second article, I offered you 5 books, one adapted and four original books. Today I am going to continue and I recommend original Czech books again.
What to read?
A1 level
Josef Čapek: O pejskovi a kočičce / About doggie and kitty

Josef Čapek: O pejskovi a kočičce – adaptovaná četba pro studenty češtiny A1
Authors of adaptation: Silvie Převrátilová, Petra Bulejčíková
Doggie and kitty are friends, they live together in a house and want to do everything as people do: they clean the floor, celebrate birthdays and holidays, and go for a trip and a visit. Original texts were written and illustrated by Josef Čapek. There are 10 short fairy tales, a CD/DVD, Czech-English-German-Russian vocabulary, and a few exercises related to the texts in the book.
Level: A1
For whom: For readers-beginners who like fairy tales and want to start reading in Czech but they haven´t learned enough words yet (workbooks Čeština expres 1 is a good basis).
Bonus: You will remember your childhood during reading. And you will be introduced to one of the most important Czech writers and painters – Josef Čapek. Most Czech children know his fairy tales.
I want to start reading it! Where can I buy the book? – For example here.
A2 level
Česká čítanka / Czech reading book
Adaptation author: Ilona Kořánová
Would you like to get to know the Czech kind of humor? You can try to read Česká čítanka (a Czech reading book). It contains adapted texts by Czech authors (K. Čapek, J. Hašek, J. Seifert, Z. Svěrák, B. Němcová…), stories, anecdotes, film screenplays, dramas… You can get closer to the Czech mentality and typical humor. There are 17 texts in the book and a few exercises related to the texts. There is also a grammatical overview in three versions: English, German, and Russian. You can download the texts in audio format for free or buy two CDs.
Level: A2
For whom: For readers who like short stories and want to get to know Czech authors´ texts.
Bonus: You will broaden your vocabulary a lot during reading.
I want to start reading it! Where can I buy the book? – For example here.
Level B1–B2
Tajný deník Adriana Molea / Secret diary of Adrian Mole
Author: Sue Townsend
Adrian Mole is an English boy, he is 13 and he understands everything. He often criticizes parents, friends, and teachers. He lives a hard life! Why? Because he is a teenager and the world doesn´t understand him. He fell in love for the first time, too, and… That´s why he writes his diary. It´s his only friend, he can tell everything to him. Adrian is ironic, sad, happy, in love, depressed… All of this in one day.
Level: B1–B2 (for students who have been studying B1 level or they soon reach the end of this level)
For whom: For readers who remember how they felt as teenagers and can laugh at it. If you like the English kind of humor, similar to the Czech one, you will like the book. You can also visit a theatre play about Adrian.
Bonus: If you like Adrian you can continue reading – there are seven other books in his diary.
I want to start reading it! Where can I buy the book? – For example here.
Level B2
Kluk / The Boy
Author: Roald Dahl
You may know Roald Dahl, one of the best-selling English authors in the world, and his books (e.g. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Switch Bitch, etc.). The book Boy is his autobiography – stories that happened to him when he was a boy and young man and they were so strong he remembers them forever. Funny, sad, surprising ones, typical for children.
Level: B2
For whom: For readers who like returns to childhood and remember it with nostalgia, a smile, and a new experience. And for those who like very good-written stories.
Bonus: Roald Dahl is a master of a story. His narration is very vivid. You also find out a lot about England.
I want to start reading it! Where can I buy the book? – For example here.
Level B2–C1
Hrdý Budžes
Author: Irena Dousková
Helenka Součková is an 8-year-old girl, visiting a primary school. Her parents are actors and they live in a small Czech town, Ničín. We are in the seventies of the 20th century, in the communist era and Helenka watches the world. There are events absolutely clear to her and she doesn´t understand why adults deal with them. On the other hand, there are matters she doesn´t understand at all. This book is very popular in Czechia, it is full of humor and you can get to know how life in communist Czechoslovakia was like.
Level: B2–C1
For whom: For readers who want to know Czech modern history of the 20th century and like fun.
Bonus: If you like Helenka´s stories you can visit a theatre play Hrdý Budžes.
I want to start reading it! Where can I buy the book? – For example here.
Would you like to read more? Try handouts for A1-B2 levels where you can practice reading in the context of other activities.
Which book do you choose?
Read also the first and second parts of the article: I want to read a Czech book. But which one? 1 and I want to read a Czech book. But which one? 2.
12th May 2020
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