Read a Czech book as a great activity for students of Czech

I want to read a Czech book. But which one? (2nd part)

Reading a Czech book is a great activity for training Czech, broadening vocabulary, and better understanding. But what Czech book to read? Do you feel lost in bookshops, e-shops, and libraries? Here is help: an overview of five new books suitable for students of Czech.

What Czech book to read?

Last time we talked about adapted stories: books that exist in original but another author simplified them for students of Czech. It is a perfect way how to start reading in Czech. You can also find a vocabulary (English, German, and Russian) and CD in the books. A great combination of practicing reading and listening. Look at their list here.

Today we are going to talk about one adapted and three original books.


A1 level

Perný den (Hard Day´s Night)

Author: Jiřina Bartošová

Easy story. You will be introduced to Jana Nováčková and her family members (husband, daughter), and friends. You follow them in everyday situations (at home, at work, at a concert, during meeting new people…). You read the dialogues, and look at the pictures which help you to understand. There is a CD, Czech-Czech vocabulary, and a few exercises related to the texts in the book.

Level: A1

For whom: For readers who want to start reading in Czech but they haven´t learned enough words yet (workbooks Čeština express 1 and 2 are a good basis).

I want to start reading it! Where can I buy the book? – For example here.


A2 level

Brněnské legendy (Brno legends)

Adaptation author: Martina Trchová

Brno – the Moravian capital – has its own legends. Do you know why a crocodile hangs in the Old Town Hall in Brno or why St Peter´s cathedral bells ring at noon at 11 o´clock? The stories are magical, haunted, and humorous, spreading among people for ages. There are ten short stories in the book, CD, Czech-English-German-Russian vocabulary, and a few exercises related to the texts.

Level: A2

For whom: For readers who like history, Brno, Moravia or they want to know this region.

Bonus: Ideal tips for walks. You read a legend and then you go to see the place you have read about. Who lives in Prague you buy a bus or train ticket and go on a trip. Czechia is not only Prague. Brno is a beautiful town and it is worth visiting.

I want to start reading it! Where can I buy the book? – For example here.


Level B1–B2

Malý princ (The Little Prince)

Author: Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

There was a little prince who lived on a planet just a bit bigger than he was and he needed a friend… You probably know this popular story about a little boy, La Petit Prince. He lives alone on a planet – asteroid B 612 and he is sad. He was traveling, visiting other planets, and searching for a friend. He found a lot of people and their stories but he didn´t find a friend. But once he met a pilot in a desert… A fairy tale a bit, a story for adults a bit. Funny, sad, wise…

Level: B1–B2 (for students who have been studying B1 level or they soon reach the end of this level)

For whom: For readers who like fairy tales, thinking and they often ask: WHY?

Bonus: If you have read The Little Prince in your mother language it will be helpful for you. You can take both versions and find concrete parts when reading in Czech seems to be too difficult. You can also choose from many types of book: with a lot of or a few pictures, in a large or small format… And an audiobook appeared in shops as well.

I want to start reading it! Where can I buy the book? – For example here.


Level B2

My děti ze stanice ZOO (The Children from ZOO Station)

Author: Christine F.

Autobiographical and very strong story from Germany in the ’70s. Christine is a young girl from Western Berlin. She was 13 when she met drugs for the first time. She became a drug addict very soon. She tells her story including stories of her friends – other drug users. How it started, what she had to do to „earn “ money for drugs, how her family responded, how many times she was taken to the police station, how many times she wanted to stop and she failed… Realistic, brutal, and true.

Level: B2

For whom: For readers who want to read real stories and aren´t afraid of strong and sometimes cruel scenes. The non-standard Czech language is used in the book a lot.

Bonus: The book was very successfully published all over the world. The Germans also shot a film with David Bowie´s music.

I want to start reading it! Where can I buy the book? – For example here.


Level B2–C1

Jak vyzrát na cizí jazyky (How to Get Cute with the Languages)

Author: Lucie Gramelová

Tips, tricks, and techniques on how to learn foreign languages faster and with fun. The book helps you find your motivation (again), be active, and use common activities you like in your study. It shows how to practice conversation, writing, and grammar, and how to learn new words effectively. It teaches you how to learn. A perfect book with a very nice graphic layout.

Level: B2–C1

For whom: For readers who want to study effectively and want to feel happy in a process of learning.

Bonus: Author Lucie Gramelová organizes workshops on how to study. Look when maybe you have time to visit some of them …

I want to start reading it! Where can I buy the book? – For example here.


Which book do you choose?

Read also the first and third parts of the article.

This text is in the Czech version.

Would you like to read more? Try handouts for A1-B2 levels where you can practice reading in the context of other activities.

23rd January 2018

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